The digital world is becoming more and more competitive these days. One of the things that most search engines suggest is to improve every piece of content you publish online. This article is about the importance of web content and how to improve it. Website design like local designer Jordan Smith is a key element today.

Are Keywords still Effective?

Most people think that using keywords is not effective anymore. This is not entirely true. Of course, people still need to type in the keywords or keyphrases when they make a search query. Abusing of keywords is a different story. Google can now easily detect keyword stuffing in any piece of content published online. This means the 3 or 4% keyword density does not apply anymore. The best thing that writers can do is to be more creative when inserting keywords.

The formula to Effective And Organic Web Content

Choosing a topic

This, however, doesn’t mean your whole article should focus on your keywords. You just need to choose the most relevant topics when writing your articles.

There is also a difference when writing for on-page (internal blogs or any piece of content within your website) and off-page articles (articles you submit across the web). In a way, there is more freedom when writing for your internal site. You can use your brand as your keywords and you can apply a marketing writing style. On the other hand, when submitting articles across the web, you should avoid this. Most article hubs today are very strict with their policy. This is to protect other site visitors from spam and unnatural links.

Be creative with your titles

Making good titles is very important. This is one way you can attract site visitors. Make sure your title is interesting enough to make them read your articles. Avoid “lengthy” titles. Just make it simple and direct to the point. You may also play with words depending on the tone of your article. Most writers use numbers or quantifiers so readers know what to expect about the article.

Here are some good examples:

  • 3 Simple Steps to Increase Your Site Traffic
  • 5 Ways to Improve Your Website

How to Make Your Website More Effective

Divide your paragraphs

It’s a lot easier to read an article if you use subheadings and divide your paragraphs. The best way is to use bullets to summarise the main points. This is ideal especially when providing tips for your readers.

Proofread your work

Always remember that there is always room for improvement. Proofread your work and check your facts to make sure your information is accurate. You may also use online plagiarism checker tools like Copyscape to avoid duplicate content.